Monday, July 28, 2008


You scored as a Biology/Chemistry/Geology
You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or related majors (e.g., Biochemistry, Environmental Science, Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife, Genetics, Marine Biology, Zoology).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.















Saturday, July 26, 2008


Just realized that it has been a LONG LONG time since i came here to blog.. Haha. Guess without a tagboard to remind me to update i totally forgot about it.... LOL. Hmm nth much lorh... Still slacking without doing my homework.. Going to school then went home.. didn't like go out since it wastes money.. Exam is coming i guess but dun have the feel leh.

Sian my com got the blue screen of death yesterday.. Scared half of my life away sia... Hmm make me jumpy.. Gotta burn all the stuff i have on my com on discs in case i ever nid to reformat com. Oh and my brother's com totally cannot make it liaoz.. Everytime u on it automatic go to safe mode. But it cannot be a virus wat he dun have internet so i also dunno wat to do and now he everyday damn irritating. Say boring then find things to do then in the end want me to do. Then i scold he not happy... Then i scold again he cry. Wth man.

Sian i think i am wasting alot of money a week... Hmm.. Must try noting how much i spend a week to see.. I want to save de lorh.

Oh yah nowadays duno why my words abit too accurate.. That time i was saying to myself that my slippers were quite old and wondering when it will break then the strap straight away break away. In the end i have to walk one feet with slipper one feet without to cheers to buy a new pair. Then y'day i was waiting for lift then it went to lvl7 so i said wah later our teacher inside.. Then come to our lvl open the door we really see our teacher.. !?!? So zhun. LOL. Haiz then everyday like come sch go home so boring...... I want some thing to happen man... Ok maybe not something bad but something interesting...

Today finished working then went up to 1st floor of jurongpoint then see the cast of money not enough 2. Got lee guo huang and hui ge.. They really quite funny. Then watch them talk and joke for 20 mins bah then came home.. And then watch gundam seed destiny till 4 and now here i am, your truly, blogging about my life. And i will end here! Bye bye! Pon-Pata-Pon-Pata!( This is taken from patapon) XD

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Your view on yourself:

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.

The right job for you:

You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Hmm its somewhat true and somewhat untrue. Haha.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Haiz now i realize why i always say i no money... Cause my mother always nag at me say we no money.. Lol. This morning i was telling my mother that i dun want to continue working in year 2. Then she started telling me if can should continue.. Then i sian tiao.... Then my father go suan me say my workplace there got 2 china poly student everyday go there be waitress to earn money.. Wah kao. I just feel that my life quite boring.... As if it is waiting for something to happen.. Haiz..

Today the number of ppl at NTUC was staggering... as in really staggering.. I got prick by fish also cannot go wash the wound...Lucky not very serious. U can see a difference in the light lorh.. The number of ppl is so much that the light i got is reduced by like 30%.. I realized that cause after the crowd was gone i find that the light abit bright... LOL. Then i was like pitying the cashiers... So many ppl... I tink 20 plus counters all got long queue of about 6-9 ppl.

And just now my bro was being brainless.

Oh and i went to the CSS opening dinner.. Went there with huishi bingxin and tze hock... Then went there found mx. Then we sort of register then went to the tables cause they say cannot walk around. Sian. Then when me and hock went we found out that we were sitting with ppl that graduated 22 years ago. WTF. The 2 of us was like.... Sian.... Then we went to huishi their table and sat there for quite long.... Until we decided that we should shift there. Lucky got an empty seat and congshi came late. Then we eat and listen to performance lorh... Then see some of the jc ppl whu came to crash.. Namely zp, shiva, ys and pam. Then after that me mx bx huishi congshi and xinghao went to btp to play lan.. They tried so hard to persuade me to go play sia.. Hahah.. So i went and its the first time i went to play lan...Then we took taxi go.. Mx blanjah me and bingxin.. cause we split 3 3. Then when we reach saw guowei... 0.o.. so become we got 7 ppl... haha. Then played 2 plus hours then went home... Me Bingxin huishi and congshi took 157 home.. Yeah thats it...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today is such a good day... No nid go sch due to e-learning for biology and hydraulics being pushed up to y'day. Weee. So today shall slack. Yes.

Let's see... Yesterday no biology and because hydraulics was 4-5pm, peizhen ,winnie,valerie and i decided to pon the lesson. We went to watch get smart at cathay in ang mo kio hub. Not bad sia the show. Hilarious. Although the storyline is abit cut short. Its abit like u win the battle but u dunno wat happen to the war. If u have the time and money i recommend u to watch it. I tink this show was better than hancock. After the movie suriani was suppose to come but she said she walk around with her sis awhile first and instead timothy came. Then the 5 of us went to arcade to play while waiting for sue. Lucky i brought my nebo card out. Lol. We pooled the money and top up $20 and cause i have the coupon the $20 play value became $40. Nice. So my card had like... $58? We played quite a few games lah... Daytona.. The basketball one.. Which i got owned by timothy... the bishi bashi... and the game where u use the round thing to hit a disk one... Aiyah go winnie's blog to find out. She got a video of us playing the game... And pics too. Oh and this game i tink timothy put a spell on it. I challenged him 7 times and lost 7 times. 0.0 The one time when i nearly draw with him i ran out of time. So yeah.. But i enjoyed it.. Haha. Then sue came and its time to go hunt for JERRY!!! Walked around but didn't find Jerry.. Then we went to s11 where peizhen ate her dinner.. Then after that went home lorh... Took mrt with sue and peizhen and we chat about many things lorh. But then i wasn't feeling very well so yah.. Haha then went home and ate my dinner... At 11plus. So late lorh... LOL..

So yah... This time i posted quite soon so for the next post.. I dunno when will it be. Hah. See yah ppl.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Going crazy!

Hmm i don't feel like talking about my life in this post. At least not so much. I guess the only thing that is worth mentioning is that i already received the css opening ceremony invitation card. From wat i heard my table is FAR from the others. mine is 17 while i heard the others de tables are like... 40+? WTF man. At least got hock with me. XD. Then i realized that some ppl actually didn't know about it. Like bingxin and michelle.Oh and pamela too but she know and dun want to go. Lol. Sian and i thought i would get to see them. Gonna go to jp later to watch hancock with bingxin and derrick. At first they want to go LAN play one i tink then not enough ppl so they change to watch movie. Abit worried leaving my bro at home but my mum will be back soon i guess. Haha.

Oh and i decided to go for the BE society camp... Hmm hope will at least have 1 classmate in the group with me. If not is SUPER sian de.. TT_ TT let's hope for the best bah.

This is a short post haha. I running out of things to post le lah... LoL.