Saturday, October 1, 2011

Army life

2nd book out of army lo! Been in the army for 3 weeks and its a very roller coaster ride i guess. In army i really feel that i'm still a crybaby.

Ok firstly to clarify i'm in rocky hill camp, school 4 3rd Company Platoon 1. Also known as samurai. Actually army is interesting in that u really learn and do things that u will never do in ur life. Its just that i really feel i worry about too many random stuff that makes me very emotional. First time was like 2nd or 3rd day in camp when we had the first foot drill. I just find it very confusing and also very afraid that i will mess up constantly due to not used to hearing malay commands. Tried to tahan but eventually just broke down and went to talk to my Platoon Commander. Thankfully he was a very nice person and really helped me alot like telling me its normal to be blur about it and etc.

After that i can't really rmb if i cried anymore in camp but last wk when i book in cried on mrt again cause the difference in feeling is really just too great. To be booking in straight after going to my grandpa's celebration is really shitty since its like so happy and joyous and everyone there talking but i just have to leave and go back tekong already. Just cannot stop it lo.

After that is last wed, at night after the route march. Before the route march i was alrdy feeling unwell with slight fever but during the march i nearly puked. Tahan till the end but didn't finish water parade after cause too much alrdy. Then at night got punishment etc but i still tahan again. In the end when go back took temp its 38.1(after i drank cold water). Think i really feverish till not thinking straight also.

Most of the time i just take things too personally. Always thinking that i will do wrong stuff and cause others to be punished, taking prep talk by commanders to motivate us too seriously and in the end feel that ownself too weak and shitty, blaming myself why not strong enough. I really don't know my limits and always can't help but question myself is it really the best i can do?

Even now when i think back of my Platoon serg caught me slping and ask me to stand, i just feel so... afraid? Fearful nature and emo easily is a bad combi for army. Must man up, 5wks to be stronger b4 BMT kicks in. Haiz. Ippt this week, which just means my RT will start. Sat book out in sight.


piercings_in_places said...

Thank you for sharing. I was just browsing blogs and yours came up. Thank you for your service to our country and even though it's hard, I pray you stay strong and pull through all the tough times.

Jenefer Maron said...

Today I went online and found your blog really amazing, I think you have an amazing creativity I am happy to learn from you even can't be met in the real world.
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Sarah said...

Being in a army camp is never that easy. The separation anxiety is there, but I'm impressed of how strong you are that you overcame all the negative thoughts anyone may think of.
Thanks for sharing!

Institute for Internet Safety said...

Nice blog! Being in a training camp couldn’t have been easy, but you did a good job. Keep it up!

Storm Damage Appointment said...

Being in an army camp is quite an experience. It may hard but you will learn a great thing from it. It will develop you to a better person as well. Thanks for sharing!

Ben Smith said...

Thanks for this nice blog. It is really true that being in an army camp is not that easy, though in the end you'll learn great things. Keep it up!

Enlightenment said...

I have always thought that armies are heroes because they are the people who fought for our country even if they were trained away from their families, friends and social life. I salute all the armies and I hope they also find time to meditate and relax their mind after their busy training. Kudos to our armies!

THE SECRET said...

I do salute all the armies out there. It's really not easy being away to your family.

Global Online Shopping for Cool Gadgets from China said...

Kudos to our armies! They are our true heroes. They deserve our respect.

The Secret Experiment and Search for Enlightenment said...

It's not quite easy being in a army camp. The feeling of being away from home. But the experience is worth sharing for.

Online shopping for cheap electronics gadgets with free shipping said...

I salute all our armies! They are our true heroes.

online travel agency said...

That's really a worthwhile experience because we all know how challenging the army life is. Thanks!