Friday, November 5, 2010

Stuck at 205 or thats the max blogger can go?

Duno i keep seeing number of posts at 205. Is that the max for blogger? Was reading my previous post and realize that its totally incoherent. Joke. Maybe its cause i can be talking about 3 different things in one paragraphs.

Today deepavali, stayed at home and rotted. Duno why my internet being retarded and dropping to 1mbs. Can't help but think that its a method singtel use to force people to upgrade their broadband.. From a 54mbps to 1 mbps?? Cannot be right. Or is my router cocking up liaoz? Basically internet being screwed. Simple.

I think i'm having a very serious bout of anger problems. Whenever i'm doing a particular module i will lose my temper one. Fuck man so stress over it. Duno why. Work is a chore and studying is a chore. Being a human is a chore. Be an ant queen is the best, u just nid to kip laying eggs and ur serviced all the time. Just that u can't move.

Tomorrow gonna go const house do that ECM project. Dun even know if can finish anot at the rate we going. Still nid to find examples for the IWT. Feel like dying. Go bungee jump and cut off the safety line or rubber band whatever u call it. Can't sleep well nowadays. Cannot slp early and wake up early.

My computer also very hot. Wonder whats wrong. No wait more like what's NOT wrong. Haiz


Institute for Internet Safety said...

Relax & take a deep breath. Don't be irritated with all of those, life is so short to be affected negatively with it. Just smile & have faith that everything will fall into place the way you want it. Good luck! Smile!

Keith said...

Manage your anger well. Don't be driven with it in a negative way.


Better bring your computer to a technician so that you'll not get irritated. And from there, you could be inspired to write more blogs. Good luck!

THE SECRET said...

Stay calm! Everything will flow smoothly especially if you have the right attitude in life.