Thursday, June 17, 2010

Away to M'sia!

Will be away to Genting, Malaysia from Friday till Sunday! Hope i dun be bored till i go crazy. I'm crazy enough as it is now. Haiz. Nowadays everyday is a bore. Doing the same thing over and over again is not my kind of job man. I'm so easy bored. Actually i'm quite power that i manage to stand it till 4months before i reach this point where everything becomes automatic and a chore.

Ah man going out to eat is so mafan. Zzz. Strangely enough i dun feel happy although i'm going on a trip. Sianz. Someone saveeee meeeee....... Haha. K lah will blog on what happen in msia de bah. most likely.


Chris said...

Good luck to your Malaysia trip, I'm pretty sure that you will love it. There are so much to see in that country :)


Good luck! Create more memories from it. Please do post pictures soon.

THE SECRET said...

Good luck and take extra care to your trip. Expecting for pictures soon :)