Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stress is a word, yet its a big feeling.

Dun really have the mood to come blog actually. Maybe cause now i really sick and tired of WSH already. Its sort of worst than SHWM and CWT project somehow. With WSH its like everyone duno wat to do EXACTLY and then all do different things plus we dun really have the time to ask him already since we gonna present to him TML?? Like wat the hell everyone chionging their guts out for SHWM and CWT just last fri and right away we have another project to do.

Yawnz say watever u wan about me slacking and not doing it early but we all have different things occupying our time. Games is one thing but some other things ur just dun understand why i have to fret over about. Sometimes its just that i can't help myself to think about it and with those incidents kip happening(well in a way the person involved is dumb and a** also) its just not making it better. I can't be like other ppl whu say "Ok today must do this that this" then they really can do one leh. I'm a slow starter can then slow start liao still got stunts to slow me down. Slow x Slow = Die slow slow.

I'm not trying to accuse ppl whu kip nagging(hey its really considered nagging wat) to me whu ask me slack so much. I know you wan to best for me lah. Lol but sometimes, its just too hard to do that. Busy sem with crap projects and TOO happening life is NOT a gd combination.

Dun really know how WSH will turn out anyway and seriously speaking i abit dun really care le bah. Despite the fact that this project is 25%(yes its goddamn ONEQUAD of our marks)After that still have WMP project which i might not be able to help my group to do since they doing it on a day where i have lesson( they elearning). Then thurs is the joke/sounds quite mafan de NPMC practical. Full of crap man.

And just saw that WSH he's gonna ask 10 qns. Woohoo with my group being the 2nd last maybe by then he so sian over dumb answers that he will blast us. Haha. Pray that don't happen.

Life these weeks was fun yet tiring and full of twist and turns. Other than work still have another thing to think about but seriously speaking, i feel like just chucking everything aside and just heck care this sem le sia.

Oh yah we went to see huihui on fri also. So long nv see her she changed abit i guess. Taking our NPMC reading was a chore also although we had fun on tim's car. Kns to tim everything also emo song sia. LOL.

Why is it that everyone have their own opinion of each other and yet we all dun understand and instead say things which hurts one another? U know sometimes i see things being done and yet another day i will see that person doing another thing. Its so contradicting. Humans have so much hidden things in all of us.

Haiz i really wanna just flunk this shit le lah. If not for the fact that i will pull 3 more people down with me i wont even wan to go present tml. Its THAT fucked up. FML is not enough to describe already.


Francis said...

Don't be affected with stress. It's really a big word.


Stress is not that bad in general, you'll just have to learn how to manage it.