Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I really hate going out to search for clothes.

Hmm although i said i went out to find clothes. I just dun like all the clothes that i see. I'm lazy to type it out here though. Lol too bad.

Oh yah i said i will continue my post from y'day. Hmm kinda forgot wat i wanna write actually. Ah yes i just sort of rmb. Even now when i think about my sch life, i still kinda dun believe that we were all so small and cute back then. In primary sch those days everything was about studying for PSLE and then playing hide and seek or catching during recess. Then as we move on the sec sch, ok in sec1 its about the same as pri sch still play those games but as we continue on to sec 2/3/4 its slowly changed to going out with friends, stay in sch study(sec4 lah i know, not sec 2/3) and then chionging CCAs.

Then now in poly we all just go to sch, stone/listen/study/slack/stress over all those craps. Then we have to be so irritating to each other and shoot bombs/knives at each other. Cmon man where is the love? Shooting should only be reserved for guys going to army AFTER poly, not during poly and also not by people AT other people. Ok i'm being lame but i like. Wahahah.

Ok basically i thought about all this cause i just suddenly realize that when we finally find our other half, be it now or in future, we would have missed out all these things that they have done. For some perhaps their past was even shared with another person. Somehow i just feel that its such a loss not being able to spend those time tgt with them as we all pass those impt milestones. Be it PSLE, O lvls, Alvls or Grad from poly(haven happen lah). Especially so if those milestones were spent with another person.

But as quoted from an ordinary person whu gave me this EXTRA ordinary words, "all couples got their own individual memories that nobody can replace. u must accept that those were their memories. u are suppose to and will create memories to belong to only u and her. these takes time, and shd never rush thru. these are the most treasured part of a relationship." Now thats wat i call an extraordinary insight of life. Haha. Hmm although this saying doesn't REALLY specifically refer to the studies area but hey, its a general thing! Lol Wanted to write it down here cause i really nid it to remind myself. Also to let others see and to help them in any way.

Ok i tink i exhausted my blogging spirit liao. Gonna be some times b4 i will blog again bah. Lol. Bye and thanks for the saying again, Haha.


Ferdinand said...

Continue blogging my friend. It is an outlet where you could express your views.


Searching for new clothes is fun, especially if your looking for your favorite brand. Just enjoy the searching!

tour packages said...

Searching for new clothes is not an easy task. You have to consider the brand, the quality and of course the price. But it's fun though.