Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finally made my first trip to the gym after so long

Haha today went to CCK gym with Tim val and ernest. Woke up like quite early then took MRT to JE and went to a bus stop to wait for Tim to fetch me, with val of course. Then went to pick up Ernest. Then went to the gym where there was ALOT of ppl. Like omg? Haha. But we manage to get one of the machine and did... our chest muscle? I tink so. Hmm i forgot how heavy i went to, nearly same as tim bah until the 12.5Kg one. Got inclined one and the lie down flat one. Then after that i went to do an assortment of other things while the 2 of them continue to train their chest and biceps with weights. Val was cycling and running the whole while. Haha.

Then after that went to eat wonton mee at JE near ernest hse. Nice sia the noodle. No wonder tim wanted to go eat. Lol. Then after that went off to take Mrt home. Then stoned in front of computer till now. Haha. Was chatting with Mx also. Then play dumb game like Fate of the dragon(3kingdom game)

Hmm was just thinking, can we ever truly remain friends with our first love? In a way especially if you did alot of things with them, will we be able to set aside those feelings or thoughts and remain as PURE friends? Or will we only try to appear that we remain as friends when in fact the friendship has already reached a stage where it will always be weird? Sometimes i can't help but feel that people are selfish and unreasonable. We will always see what our friends do as smt that will be acceptable while wat others do will be unforgivable. How can u expect someone to remain friends with their ex after they know about all the things the other person did? If u at least say it until such like maybe can ur remain friends after sometime or smt at least its still understandable. Its only awhile only and somemore u know wat that person(ex) did to hurt the other party yet u expect them to remain friends?

I understand what they are trying to do but hey the way ur doing is abit wrong u know. Psychoing(be it visible or invisble) is still not right ok. Especially if U are the cause of it. =.= Haha if u dun understand dun worry its normal no one can understand wat i'm saying half the time. Genius are lonely people. *cough cough* Ok dun bomb me i got my retribution see i coughing already.

Hmm i wanna read storybook now sia MX FASTER GO BUY THE BOOK!!!!! AND LEND ME READ FIRST SINCE U READ LIKE A SNAIL!!!!! Haha Have a good weekend people.


Alwyn said...

Good for you, lol. I even try my best to go to the gym but it's so hard with my working schedule.


Glad that you got the best time to visit the gym. It's really fun.