Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2nd week of sch

After being easily irritated for the first week, i have finally came to my senses and resign myself to the unchangeable fact. Lol. Y'day celebrated winnie's birthday with a cake and gave her the F21 vouchers and a towel? Or a hand towel aiyah smt like that lah lol. Here's a picture that we took.

Well then today was IS day at the super no link I&E module. Decided on our group members so i guess its ok. But one thing is why are there so many ppl going home at 6pm? So many ppl at the bus stop everyday sia. Zzz so mafan.

Hmm nth much to post liao, gonna go do abit of my maths. Oh yah my maths teacher reminds me of my ahma sia. She's quite old but she's damn fit, voice super loud and very fussy about discipline. Lol so better do her work. Not that i will do alot anyway. Haha. Its finally my 101 post. Not bad not bad but must increase faster. Weee.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

100th post

My 100th post and its on such a bad note.

I'm actually angry at myself for being angry at you all. For being jealous that although we are one group why do we(half) always have to deal with these problems. Maybe its just that i have such a lousy character who gets jealous over the smallest things. I tend to take everything as it comes, until i cannot take it anymore, then i'll be very agitated over it. I know the solution u gave is probably the best there is right now. But i just can't help thinking, why do we always have to deal with all this.

U trying to help me only made it worst although i know ur really trying to help. Thanks for your concern, really.

I tink that lecturers should just give us free grouping with any number of members. maybe with a cap of 5 but its so much better than giving a fixed number

Monday, April 20, 2009

School's started again

Well first day of sch, really bored. Lucky today i accompany my cousin go sch early sia. If i go to sch at my normal time i tink i will confirm be late. Totally forgot that first day of sch will be damn packed. Lol is like in market sia. Except its worst by like 5 times? Somemore got the baracuda ppl playing the drums and etc, even more noisy. Wah my cousin best sia, dun have his friend's number or his timetable and he didn't bring battery for his com. If i not there i see how he die man. Lol. The lecturers this time all LOOK quite kind. Note that is LOOK, not confirm. Haha. Then got a 3 hours break, we went to lib to buy books(didn't get any since only 1 was out and we bought it already) then go lib watch national geographics. So studious right still go watch documentary. Then after that go for a 30 mins lecture(actually just intro to the course and etc) then go home. So stupid.

First day of sch already abit screwed up. I hate groupings man. Always gives so much problems. 4 ppl a group = someone have to be sacrificed. I really dunno who to choose man. The one whu will be left will really suffer man. One is a friend whus really close, the other is already so distant that we really cant bear to let her suffer even more. Being angry for the sake of angry is so dumb but there's no choice. Sometimes i feel like just not caring about it but that doesn't solve the problem but only cause it to become even worst. Everytime when lecturers announce that there will be groupings i will always think, " whu will i be with this time?" Then i'll guess whus with whu and those thats left will be in the group. Being passive in groupings is only for ppl that have so many close friends that no matter wats the number of ppl needed, they will always have a group with their friends. For those that are left, u can only resign urself to doing the project with the other ppl that u dun like or dun know. Thats usually wat happen to me and i dun wan that to happen but this time, trying to decide whu to group with is really a headache. KNN CCB I DO THE PROJECT MYSELF LAH LET THEM DO TGT OR SMT!

This is just shit man.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

B'day celebration

Y'day went to IMM to celebrate liyana's b'day. Lol she was so surprised! We all met up at like 12plus then went to look around for her cake while waiting for her to come. Lol. Even had a card made for her leh. So thoughtful right? Well i didn't know anything till last minute so all credits go to su and boss and val i tink. Haha. But it was really fun lah. So long since i celebrated someone's b'day. I tink the last one i went to was the one for congshi. LOL and thats like ages ago. Then we went to the acer service centre where su and winnie sent their beloved laptop for service. After that liyana went home and the rest of us took 143 went to vivocity!

Lol finally i watched HANDSOME SUIT!!!! Damn hilarious. LET'S HANDSOME TGT!!! And the story had such a twist to it in the end. Serious a REALLY REALLY gd show to watch! If u nid a laugh or smt to think about u can go watch this show.

After watching this show really makes me think... Its really very true that despite everyone saying that looks are not everything, if u look ugly ur already at a lower tier compared to other ppl. People will discriminate u just because ur ugly. Looks are only for the first impression but without the first impression, how many opportunities are lost? Opportunities do not come everyday but is by luck and if because ur ugly u just lose that opportunity, isn't that just really sad? Althought the show ended by takuro doing the right thing, how many of us in the real world would really do that? For me, i can't even say that i might want to take off the suit. Who doesn't wan to be handsome? If u really say that u dun wan to be handsome then i pity u since u dun even know wat u wan. In this world where looks and money are being viewed so high, having a chance to have one of it is already lucrative enough. How many ppl will do wat the female lead did in this world? I severely doubt so, maybe a very very minority. Its a show that really touch on the reality of this world but still letting the people watching it laugh( and abit of tearing )

Well its a comedy/thinking show for me. Haha but i still love the show!!!! HANDSOME!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Well this past week past by real fast sia. 3days was spent on class chalet and with 2 days gone for work the remaining 2 days was spent resting after chalet and slacking. LOL.

Ok for our chalet we went to a place called the National SAFRA Resort & Country Club. Its near Changi and the Port(desaru?) but its damn ulu since there's nth near it at all. But the chalet itself was damn gd, a double storey house and a TV with cable and even mahjong table. Seriously if there is this kind of place at pasir ris everyone would flock to it man. If only there were other things to do at the place then it would really be the best already.

Hmm i actually dun rmb wat we did at the chalet. Lol. I only know boss they all so cute all wan to play patapon 2. Hahaha. Fun game hor! Then i know got go play mahjong. Then watch tv, playing drinking game(90% is drink water 10% alcohol), of course BBQ. Oh yah even played bball and knn i got injured, my ring finger was blue black at the 2 joints and swollen like **** like that. Knn pain sia. Then i also wan to complain the charcoal we use sia... So useless, fan like siao the fire burning then like 30 secs later it dies down. In the end have to constantly fan it. Then due to me not using my arms for so long and fanning the stupid fire for at least 2-3 hours my whole arm + finger damn pain the next day when i going home. Zzz.

Then i wan to say that my friend really very funny sia. She broke one of the string on the guitar of my friend. Then she damn scared sia. In the end took taxi go fix it, lol u spend 10plus to take taxi fix the string which cost like $2. So lol right? But nvm lah, at least i gd person pei her go. Lol. I just realize i first time go out with a girl alone sia. Usually is out with at least a whole bunch of ppl. Haha. But i got to eat so thats wat matters. Weee.

Ok nth to say liao. And i tink this wk not very heng, i crashed into the swinging door at NTUC today. Damn pain also. Haiz.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sch reopening soon

Wow i didn't realize that sch reopening in like 16 days? Soon we'll be the seniors and no longer the freshies. Really makes me think of last year man when we were having FOC or the FOP. So funny and back then noone knows one another so was really quite blur and everything but now... After 1 year i can proudly tell u we are all friends! Well most anyway. LOL.

Hmm today finally went back to work and somemore is a new timing due to NTUC opening even earlier at 8am. So now i work from 11am-4pm which is even more impossible to go. Haha. Not that i go out anyway. Then is totally no ppl one lorh, time pass like snail crawling like that.

Chalet coming so quite looking forward to it. Confirm can have fun one. Got jokers like me go mah. LOL. Thinking if there's anything that i can bring there to play. Cards confirm got ppl bring de mah. Maybe should bring my uno stacko? Anyone wan? I dun have things like PS3 or Xbox though. Haha.

I wan to buy a crumpler sia. But must go till raffles leh. Found 1 idiot to go with me. Maybe another one(not another idiot another genuis). See first lah. Maybe in the end won't buy since lazy to go there. Hah.

OMG I NID TO GO EXERCISE!!!!!! I'm getting too fat man serious. Zzz

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reflections from trip

The trip overall was fun. For me, i find that the good and bad things were about balanced out. Mostly is due to my own problems. Talked about it to 2 ppl and they really made me realize alot of stuff. One guy one girl to make it equal. Lol.

For the guy, he reminded me that in the end, i'm still a guy and there are some things that i cannot do with u ppl. There's a fundamental difference between us. Like he said, " A line that cannot be crossed". Perhaps after spending so much time with ur just made me forgot about it.

The gal on the other hand, made me realize i'm getting too dependent on u ppl and cutting my social circle. Not that its caused by u all but rather by me. Sometimes i dun wanna mix with other ppl because i wanted to be with ur but i didn't realize that ppl have more than just this 1 circle of friends. Also made me see the main problem with me.... Thinking too much.

I'm still that violent after the trip and maybe even more prone to be sensitive but i feel that i learnt an impt lesson from it and thats what matters. Of course i also learn the academic stuff that i AM suppose to learn. Lol. Just wanna type it out so that in the future i can look back and rmb this.

On another note i wanna apologize for the post in which i was so angry. That was totally my fault but i scolded so many ppl. But i'm really quite pissed leh when all ps me go eat dinner with family and friends. ^_^ left me and ruixing so kelian can?