Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Life so far

Hey hey its been eons since i came to blog yah. At first is sian already.. Haha. Then from last wed is no time to blog even if i want to. My great grandmother died last wed at the age of 85. So young right hehe. So from Thurs till sunday i had to go to the wake every night. Lol i wed nv go my uncles straight away ask my mother why i nv go. I guess its cause my great grandma dotes on me the most bah cause i went to live with her n4 when i was a few months old. Then yah every night go there till 11plus. In the end presentation also nv do much Sorry boss winnie and constance. Sunday was the burial.. My great grandma dun want to be cremated cause she afraid it will hurt. Then yah had to wear green baggy pants and white shirt(green is for great grandchild, black for sons and daughters and blue for grandchilds like my mum). Went to lim chu kang and buried her, It was raining somemore... Then saw another group came.. Guess u can say thats my great grandma's neighbour bah? Yah thats it lorh. Took the day off on sun. Feel quite bad actually cause next next week i cannot work again cause nid go for some event for ngee ann so hope that can get no pay leave again.

Okay... On to better things... Okay maybe not VERY happy things. Stupid Mx... Ask him lend me bk he tell me Mon bag heavy then dun want bring.... In the end he go canteen 3 eat and still dare come ask me got wat thing nice to eat. Want to kill him sia. Then tues i nid to go find huishi get badminton racket so no time. Wed he release at 10 i start lesson at 10 then i saw him at the BUSSTOP!!!! So damn suay can? Lol. Then today... Got hospitality presentation.. Quite scared lah actually but it was okay.. Haha. Nth must lorh.. Now i recording how much i spend a day to see. Must not spend so much money. Lol. Now i nid to pray hard that bx and my pay can come faster!!! Then all problems would be solved! Haha thats all lorh... Work is getting more and more and i want to go for events for CCA points but work kips preventing me from doing it!! Omg wat am i suppose to do!?!?!?

Back here again!

Woo eons since i came here and straight away i got a quiz to do and its super long. Thanks ah yaihui. Lol.

The quiz

1. The 1st person who tag/pass you is? -->Yaihui

2. Your relationship with him/her? --> my ex-classmate. XD

3. Your five impression of him/her? --> Tomboyish, sheerful, sporty, short and very noisy

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? --> Ehhh.. Yaihui u got do anything that is very memorable for me meh!?!? ^_^

5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you? --> Got meh?

6. If he/she become your lover, you will? --> I duno?? Treat her nicely? Duh if not treat her badly meh.

7. If he/she became your lover, he/she has to improve on? --> Dun be so boyish lah!

8. If he/she became my enemy, you will? --> Ehh hope it doesn't happen.

9. If he/she became your enemy, the reason will be? --> I snatch her bf!! LOL. How i know sia.

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her is? --> Help her become a shu nu..

11. Your overall impression of him/her is? Cheerful gal!

13. The characters you love of yourself are? --> How i know sia!? I dun love myself.

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are? --> Everything lorh.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is? --> A saint

16. For people who care and like you, say something to them. --> Thanks ppl and i love u loads wooo.

17. Pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you.
  1. MX(kana liao)
  2. winnie
  3. Hui Shi (kana liao)
  4. Constance
  5. Suriani
  6. Valerie
  7. Yaihui

18. Who is no.6 having a relationship with? Valerie: She single lah.

19. Is no.5 a male or female? Sue: Female lah deh.

20. If no. 3 and 4 are together, will it be a good thing? Huishi & Constance: Don't know each other and constance is ATTACHED.

21. What is no. 2 studying about? Winnie: Environmental and water tech!!

22. When was the last time you had a chat. --> Chat!? Erm.. 5 sec ago? Msn chat!

23. What kind of music band does no.1 like. Mx: Jap anime!

24. Does no. 1 has any siblings? MX: YES!!

25. Will you woo no.3? Huishi: Holy crap i not GAY.

26. How abt no.7? Yaihui: Friends is okay and long distance love is taxing u know.

27. Is no.4 Single? Constance: NO.

28. What is the surname of no.5? Suriani: OMG i dunno. Its long long one!

29. What’s the hobby of no.6? Valerie: Eat, draw and play MAHJONG!!!

30. Does no. 5 and 2 get along well? Suriani & winnie: Same clique wat do you tink?

31. Where is no.2 studying at? Winnie: Ngee Ann Poly lah bodoh!

32. Talk something casually about no. 1. MX: Knn !@#%$#$%

33. Where does no.3 live at? Huishi: Jurong west st 41 Blk ***

34. What colour does no. 4 like? Constance: No idea leh? She got say b4 but i LTNM(long term no memory) so dun rmb.

35. Are no.5 and no.1 best friend? Sue & MX: Totally dun know each other.

36. Does no.1 have any pets? MX: He's a plant so alot of insect is living on him so YES!!!

37. Is no.6 the sexiest person in the world? Valerie: Erm.... Can i dun answer this question? LOL

38. What is no. doing now? Yaihui: I duno? Dota?

Finally finish the quiz. Whee.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sch reopens

Duno why sia today damn sian and feels weird. Emo almost the whole day. First day of sch lorh... See all the ppl waiting for bus then saw my sec sch friend and his gf and gf's sister. Then whole bus trip chatting with him.. Feel abit paiseh i like light bulb like that. Then reach sch.. As usual everyone says my haircut is ugly. Forever ugly de lah so dun care. Then go lesson lorh. Then first 2 hours liao damn sian cause got presentation to do. Then 3 hour break cause no practical. Went to print time table and buy notes but only got maths. Then book 2 rooms at lib cause the 10 seaters are all gone. We got 9 ppl mah. Then slack till 2pm lesson again. Wah the lesson damn weird. Then go home loh. Nth much happen today lah and i also dun have the feeling to do or notice anything. I really want to enjoy sch life leh cause work is seriously damn boring but i just can't seem to do it. Aiyah. Forget it lah. Let me Die man.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own. Use the
1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to
be real places name and/or objects, but nothing made up. Try to use different
answers if the person you got this from has the same initial.

You can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have fun with it!

i am using W for Weilei/Willy.
Sian both nick also W zzz.

1. Four letter word
- What

2. Boy name
- So many. Weixiong, weijin, weihao, wensong.

3. Girl name
- Easy. Winnie, Wann.

4. Occupation
- Waitress

5. Colour
- White

6. Something you wear
- Wig(Haha cannot tell right? i wear first class wig de hor )

7. Beverage
- Wine

8. Food
- Wonton Mee!

9. Place
- Woodlands, West coast

10. Something found in bathroom
- Water

11. Reason for being late
- Why cannot is it?

12. Something you shout

13. Font
- Wide Latin

- 14. TV show
- Witch Yoohee

15. Song Title
- Wang zi de xin yi. 王子的新衣

Now pass this braincracking quiz to 5

1.Ming xuan