Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Msia trip

Hmm so finally i drag myself here to blog on my Msia trip to Genting. Frankly speaking i dun feel happy at all. I basically wasted 3 days in my life outside of singapore, end of story. Well maybe also enjoy natural aircon but thats about it. I didn't play in the theme parks, too young to go into the casino... PLUS my PSP couldn't be used due to unforeseen circumstances so i can only twiddle my thumbs to spend time away. =.= So uber sian.

Ok so we woke up at 4.30am and my uncle came to fetch us at 5plus. The coach picked us up at CCK beside lot 1. We took the WTS travels platinum deluxe where each seat comes with a TV and games(which sucks dun even have mario wth?) But then the shows were ok bah since i got to watch harry potter and the order of the phoenix. Haha. Then we reach Genting at around 12pm. Had to wait till 2pm in order to check in and so we went to eat at burger king since that was the only place that had seats. Alot of people there. Oh i forgot to mention, there were a total of 14 of us. My grandma, grandpa, first aunt, fourth aunt and her husband, fifth aunt and husband and youngest son, sixth aunt with her husband son and daughter, seventh aunt and my mother bro and I lorh. Ok i tink is 15 but i tink my cousin too young so dun count. Haha. Then after that we went to take the cable car down to somewhere and shop. First time on cable car is seriously abit scary especially when going down since at the start its PLUNGE down one lorh wtf. Scary. Then went back up and played the arcade. Then go eat dinner at coffee bean. My seventh aunt treat hoho.

Hmm on Sat morn we went to Old town white coffee located at the top near Hotel Highland.. Or was it genting? Either lah oh and we were staying at First world hotel lvl 24 the highest. Lol. Then after that went to walk abit, then go back hotel slack and watch TV. Then we went to eat dinner very early at 5pm at someplace with the name mushroom farm. But seriously speaking the food was GOOD. Damn nice. Went there eat cause its father's day and my sixth aunt son de bday. So zhun lorh haha. The place is quite famous i tink since when we were going back the number of ppl going there is STAGGERING. Its just like singapore MRT situation except at there its van instead of mrt. Seriously if the driver nv stop them we dun even nid to get down man. Kao eh. Then jiu same lorh watch tv stone then slp. Haha no life.

Last day in genting, woke up and went to eat at Merrybrown. Did i spell correctly? Anyway after that went to walk abit then go back room pack up, then jiu check out le lorh. Then bought starbucks coffee and drink which was a mistake since it made me kinda carsick. Too full then the bus trip quite long. Haha. Then jiu reach singapore and took taxi home.

Wee done. Can't believe i actually did it. So lazy de me actually did it. Oh yah and to my clique and people, look for me for gifts. First come first served. But Chua Ming Xuan u better come look for me i got a good present for u. HAHA. Ok long post since 154547569670 years so power to ppl that actually finish reading this. Have fun in hols or attachment or whatever u doing now!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Away to M'sia!

Will be away to Genting, Malaysia from Friday till Sunday! Hope i dun be bored till i go crazy. I'm crazy enough as it is now. Haiz. Nowadays everyday is a bore. Doing the same thing over and over again is not my kind of job man. I'm so easy bored. Actually i'm quite power that i manage to stand it till 4months before i reach this point where everything becomes automatic and a chore.

Ah man going out to eat is so mafan. Zzz. Strangely enough i dun feel happy although i'm going on a trip. Sianz. Someone saveeee meeeee....... Haha. K lah will blog on what happen in msia de bah. most likely.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still abit pissed off.

Wah kao eh i tink i went to the toilet 4 times in a span of 4 hours. Wtf. Ok start with my past few wks de happening bah. Last week was busy handling Sembcorp Scholarship video which i suppose ppl that saw my previous post should know. I must admit back then i really am so stupid and lazy. But after everything is over i feel that i have learnt something from it. Mainly that 'My mother says, if u don't work, u dun get paid/rewards' Meaning that for the money i get i need to work for it. Well i hope to find a career in Sembcorp too so we shall see shall we?

Ok then yday went out with peifen junhua mx tzehock and shiva. We went to the astons at the cathy to have lunch. Its my first time there and sadly i was very disappointed by it. Not by the food but at the way the shop is being ran. Story telling time! So we reach there, queued and when it reach our turn the girl taking order was saying there's 8 pieces of chicken left, so i ordered black pepper fish. However she said they had ran out of fish. So i have to change to pork chop. Then when we went in, another girl came and told me they had only 1 pork chop so i have to change. So i changed to seafood spaghetti and guess what? After 10 sec she came back sheepishly... But hey i'm not blaming her shes just a waitress. So i had no choice, either beef or lamb. So i chose beef(cause lamb shop is a horrifying 19.90) BUT ALSO NO BEEF! HOLY OMFGBBQ RIGHT? Sadly everyone have their food so its too late to leave, so i had to eat the horrendous 19.90 lamb chop. =.= Basically i ordered EVERY type of food they had in the menu. In the end tze hock and mx helped me to negotiate with the manager and he write off our drinks which added up to 5bucks, so i still had to pay 15bucks. Thats still twice the amount of money than the rest and i'm not even full if not for peifen giving me her chicken.

My thoughts is that if u know that ur gonna run out of supplies, couldn't u have open abit later or something? I know it will affect the shop abit but i seriously feel that IF they are using this as a chance to get rid of the expensive items then its too much lorh. Whats more when we leaving it seems their supplies have arrived. How would the customer feel? I can tell you if the next time i go there is STILL this problem i will write a complain letter and shoot flaming lightning icy arrow at the manager.

Ah well. In conclusion first experience at Astons, FAIL.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sembcorp Sort of over!

Yay the video that we made! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsJYjrsO24A. Haha!