Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another week has passed.

So i just realized that the last post i did was when i went to gym on LAST sat. Lol i actually thought was yday sia. Omg.

So yday went to CCK gym again, with wx tim and ernest. Wx really superman sia. Somemore got all the wat glove lah strap lah etc. Lol professional gymer. But overall really have to thank him lah i mean he really help me out in telling me all the diff things i should do for which muscles, although most of it i cant do. LOL.

Then at night went to JP to meet up with mx peifen shiva and tze hock. Lol we sat at the pizza hut damn long lah. After that we went to starbucks to continue chatting. Talked about quite alot of things sia, well they talked about alot of things. I dun really keep up with css info so nth to contribute lala.

Then today i just stayed at home. Was actually quite moody i suppose. Guess with people being so sad and angry me being moody is just not that impt. Hahahah. I miss my friends already. I mean my sec sch ones ah, poly ones tml will see them already. LOL. Hope that sad people will cheer up and angry people will relax more.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finally made my first trip to the gym after so long

Haha today went to CCK gym with Tim val and ernest. Woke up like quite early then took MRT to JE and went to a bus stop to wait for Tim to fetch me, with val of course. Then went to pick up Ernest. Then went to the gym where there was ALOT of ppl. Like omg? Haha. But we manage to get one of the machine and did... our chest muscle? I tink so. Hmm i forgot how heavy i went to, nearly same as tim bah until the 12.5Kg one. Got inclined one and the lie down flat one. Then after that i went to do an assortment of other things while the 2 of them continue to train their chest and biceps with weights. Val was cycling and running the whole while. Haha.

Then after that went to eat wonton mee at JE near ernest hse. Nice sia the noodle. No wonder tim wanted to go eat. Lol. Then after that went off to take Mrt home. Then stoned in front of computer till now. Haha. Was chatting with Mx also. Then play dumb game like Fate of the dragon(3kingdom game)

Hmm was just thinking, can we ever truly remain friends with our first love? In a way especially if you did alot of things with them, will we be able to set aside those feelings or thoughts and remain as PURE friends? Or will we only try to appear that we remain as friends when in fact the friendship has already reached a stage where it will always be weird? Sometimes i can't help but feel that people are selfish and unreasonable. We will always see what our friends do as smt that will be acceptable while wat others do will be unforgivable. How can u expect someone to remain friends with their ex after they know about all the things the other person did? If u at least say it until such like maybe can ur remain friends after sometime or smt at least its still understandable. Its only awhile only and somemore u know wat that person(ex) did to hurt the other party yet u expect them to remain friends?

I understand what they are trying to do but hey the way ur doing is abit wrong u know. Psychoing(be it visible or invisble) is still not right ok. Especially if U are the cause of it. =.= Haha if u dun understand dun worry its normal no one can understand wat i'm saying half the time. Genius are lonely people. *cough cough* Ok dun bomb me i got my retribution see i coughing already.

Hmm i wanna read storybook now sia MX FASTER GO BUY THE BOOK!!!!! AND LEND ME READ FIRST SINCE U READ LIKE A SNAIL!!!!! Haha Have a good weekend people.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I really hate going out to search for clothes.

Hmm although i said i went out to find clothes. I just dun like all the clothes that i see. I'm lazy to type it out here though. Lol too bad.

Oh yah i said i will continue my post from y'day. Hmm kinda forgot wat i wanna write actually. Ah yes i just sort of rmb. Even now when i think about my sch life, i still kinda dun believe that we were all so small and cute back then. In primary sch those days everything was about studying for PSLE and then playing hide and seek or catching during recess. Then as we move on the sec sch, ok in sec1 its about the same as pri sch still play those games but as we continue on to sec 2/3/4 its slowly changed to going out with friends, stay in sch study(sec4 lah i know, not sec 2/3) and then chionging CCAs.

Then now in poly we all just go to sch, stone/listen/study/slack/stress over all those craps. Then we have to be so irritating to each other and shoot bombs/knives at each other. Cmon man where is the love? Shooting should only be reserved for guys going to army AFTER poly, not during poly and also not by people AT other people. Ok i'm being lame but i like. Wahahah.

Ok basically i thought about all this cause i just suddenly realize that when we finally find our other half, be it now or in future, we would have missed out all these things that they have done. For some perhaps their past was even shared with another person. Somehow i just feel that its such a loss not being able to spend those time tgt with them as we all pass those impt milestones. Be it PSLE, O lvls, Alvls or Grad from poly(haven happen lah). Especially so if those milestones were spent with another person.

But as quoted from an ordinary person whu gave me this EXTRA ordinary words, "all couples got their own individual memories that nobody can replace. u must accept that those were their memories. u are suppose to and will create memories to belong to only u and her. these takes time, and shd never rush thru. these are the most treasured part of a relationship." Now thats wat i call an extraordinary insight of life. Haha. Hmm although this saying doesn't REALLY specifically refer to the studies area but hey, its a general thing! Lol Wanted to write it down here cause i really nid it to remind myself. Also to let others see and to help them in any way.

Ok i tink i exhausted my blogging spirit liao. Gonna be some times b4 i will blog again bah. Lol. Bye and thanks for the saying again, Haha.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Finally I'm Reborn!

Haha i tink i'm being so lame. But watever at least WSH is done. Hmm its still ok bah in the end we manage to do all the things. Was kind of scared that we might not finish in time. Well Wed is WMP liao, another presentation. So sian can. Wow heard from hock that his CMI laptop nid $1900(not too sure) to recover the data. I wish him all the best in getting the things he nid from his friends.

Hmm now listening to Radio on com. So fun. Interesting sia. Now shall listen to radio everyday if i can. Lol I find that radio is so much better than the songs we have in mp3 because at least we can hear people talking on air and there is interaction of people. And some of the things they say is really so funny.

Anyway today's post de topic is not on all these lah. Suddenly thought of this topic when on the way home. Was just wondering how each and everyone of us were in secondary sch or even primary school. All of us had different lives, with different friends and very much different kind of dreams. Yet here we are in the same place due to maybe ur own choice or NOT ur own choice (for those that kana 2nd choice and below). The fact is we are all tgt now and we have already spent 1.6 years tgt. Soon we will be spending 0.5 year away from each other with attachment and whatnots. Then its the last sem b4 we will have to go on and lead our own lives, our own paths.

*To be continued i nid to go slp now.*

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Stress is a word, yet its a big feeling.

Dun really have the mood to come blog actually. Maybe cause now i really sick and tired of WSH already. Its sort of worst than SHWM and CWT project somehow. With WSH its like everyone duno wat to do EXACTLY and then all do different things plus we dun really have the time to ask him already since we gonna present to him TML?? Like wat the hell everyone chionging their guts out for SHWM and CWT just last fri and right away we have another project to do.

Yawnz say watever u wan about me slacking and not doing it early but we all have different things occupying our time. Games is one thing but some other things ur just dun understand why i have to fret over about. Sometimes its just that i can't help myself to think about it and with those incidents kip happening(well in a way the person involved is dumb and a** also) its just not making it better. I can't be like other ppl whu say "Ok today must do this that this" then they really can do one leh. I'm a slow starter can then slow start liao still got stunts to slow me down. Slow x Slow = Die slow slow.

I'm not trying to accuse ppl whu kip nagging(hey its really considered nagging wat) to me whu ask me slack so much. I know you wan to best for me lah. Lol but sometimes, its just too hard to do that. Busy sem with crap projects and TOO happening life is NOT a gd combination.

Dun really know how WSH will turn out anyway and seriously speaking i abit dun really care le bah. Despite the fact that this project is 25%(yes its goddamn ONEQUAD of our marks)After that still have WMP project which i might not be able to help my group to do since they doing it on a day where i have lesson( they elearning). Then thurs is the joke/sounds quite mafan de NPMC practical. Full of crap man.

And just saw that WSH he's gonna ask 10 qns. Woohoo with my group being the 2nd last maybe by then he so sian over dumb answers that he will blast us. Haha. Pray that don't happen.

Life these weeks was fun yet tiring and full of twist and turns. Other than work still have another thing to think about but seriously speaking, i feel like just chucking everything aside and just heck care this sem le sia.

Oh yah we went to see huihui on fri also. So long nv see her she changed abit i guess. Taking our NPMC reading was a chore also although we had fun on tim's car. Kns to tim everything also emo song sia. LOL.

Why is it that everyone have their own opinion of each other and yet we all dun understand and instead say things which hurts one another? U know sometimes i see things being done and yet another day i will see that person doing another thing. Its so contradicting. Humans have so much hidden things in all of us.

Haiz i really wanna just flunk this shit le lah. If not for the fact that i will pull 3 more people down with me i wont even wan to go present tml. Its THAT fucked up. FML is not enough to describe already.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm back ppl!

Ok lah i feel guilty for not updating my blog so long. Haha so now i liang xing fa xian or i came to my senses and decided to come back and write!

Haha so now is cause i kip SAYING alot of things to do (but not doing them) Then no feeling to blog. But now most of the things are half done liao plus i divided some of the work to other ppl liao so i feel less stressed thus am able to come here to blog. Actually if i really wanna blog i can at least write..... a post that u will nid at least 30mins to read. Serious. Haha thats how happening my life was this last week. But since its a private and sensitive issue i shall not write it. Sorry for curious ppl.

So i was reading somethings from someone. Got me so god damn pissed and angry and ETC. My god some ppl just wins man. Really. Whenever i tink of HOW WTF OMFG !@#$%^&* Heng he is i feel like beheading him. His luck is either earned through the years or stolen from others man.

Ah well over le lah. Shit man so irritated. Hmm then nowadays kip playing MH. Woohoo so fun. I know it sounds dumb but i tink its a ncie game. Not too complicated, cute mouse(usually) and i tink its very creative. Maybe in future ppl can make one on birds or cockroach, helps ppl to get over fear of them maybe. Ask them see cockroach think of the cute ones and then quickly get rid of it. Better than scream and run away solving nth. Ahaha.

Hmm then now is start of sch again, tink this sem i really will die also. I cant seem to get the things that the lecturers are teaching into my head. Siao liao gonna gg again. Cannot cannot. Haiz. Must do alot of things le now. To start training for army, to do my work, to study more(i said more only nv said how much) and to do more for otty. Haha. Saw an unfamiliar name? Too bad not gonna tell u. Woohoo Away i go b4 being bombed!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year ppl!

Woah! I know i know i LONNGGGGG time nv post. I can only say this last week was so tiring and mentally taxing that i couldnt drag myself here to post. But hey its NEW YEAR so gonna at least post here. Wait crap now is actually 2nd Jan liao. Ah well not impt.

Just realize this hols i totally nv went out to meet my sec sch friends. Well except tze hock huishi derrick perry guangjie bingcheng junhua and kenneth. Sorry ppl. This 2 wk hols is really abit not enough man. Now i have to everyday chiong projects liao. No time no time.

Anyway i just hope that this year, i will be able to buck up and concentrate on my studies/work at COI. And of course got other things which i wont say here. Haha. Not gonna say anywhere.

Short post but thought alot. When i have time then write it all out ok. Love all you ppl. And i'm sorry, although apologies sounds hypocritical.